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As a global society constantly exposed to media and marketing, we are left questioning our sense of value and success, as if it is hinged on something outside of ourselves, this can quickly feel like a deflating fog of ‘not enough’.


No matter where we are on our path, the existential angst of ‘who am i’, ‘where do i belong’, 'what is my purpose' is a frequent backdrop. 


Who am I to help you with your story?

My mission is to help people who feel lost in the crowd to connect to their defining story. To have firm clarity about the value of their life experience, their impact, and to be able to share it with ease and confidence.

© Anjli Gheewala, Organiser & Coach.jpg


I have a passion for writing about the meaning of life and for creating visual story with colour. I combine all my knowledge and skills into a hybrid service to help people realise and own their unique impact. To be known for it, albeit in their inner circle or for a larger audience.

Being yourself and belonging to your story is what permeates through you. But you can't always see it clearly because it's too close. Defining and connecting succinctly to the ways in which you make a difference takes the haze away and gives you the reigns to share your message and your story.


Your life has a story, bring that story to life.


My experience is eclectic, spanning art & design to administrative roles. I began as a woven textile designer. Winning a student design award from the Royal Society of Arts lead me to the role of Designer and Colourist for John Lewis furnishing fabrics. Weaving commands a blend of art, math, and precision. Creativity, logic, and an ability to pay attention to detail with an end result in mind. These principles are still present in the stories I create today.


Wherever I have worked I’ve reorganised and streamlined for effectiveness. Meticulous, methodical yet with a strong creative side that shows up in practical ways. From planning ideas to finishing touches on projects, I present ideas with style and simplicity.


Mid-career I qualified as a coach and have been implementing a coaching approach in the way I work. The coaching experience evolved me, connected me to deep listening, staying curious and aware for my own development. I wrote an article about my coaching journey called ‘Your Vocation Chooses You’ which was my premiere personal expression of

a journey story that I shared publicly. 


Over the last 9 years, in addition to design, creative projects, and admin roles, I have accumulated 1500 hours of varied training and learning experiences related to coaching, creative expression, and self development. 


I am a qualified Art4Healing® Method Facilitator. Art4 Workshops and Colour Workshops are a series of guided exercises to express feelings spontaneously with paint (or medium of choice) leaving participants relaxed and encouraged from clarity and insight.


If there is one genre of art I absolutely love it is Colour Field Art. I have very distinct memories from my formative years of using colours that symbolise joy and empowerment for me.


The Colour Workshops help people discover their colour stories. As a result they can bring more of what they want into their life/lifestyle with colour. View my collection of art, design, colour, textiles, and visual stories in the Gallery.

"Somewhere in the consistent pursuit of whatever it is we are seeking, we pick up pieces that we couldn't see before: empowering clarity, balance, inner compass, self-awareness, and much more. And we get to keep these pieces until they accumulate enough to become the pillars that let us stand in a new way."
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